- How do I verify a check from M & T BANK ?
- How can I get M & T BANK check verification ?
- What is the phone number for M & T BANK ?
Routing Number 052100408
Bank M & T BANK
Address 2ND FLOOR
State NY
ZIP 14228
Phone 800-724-2240
Additional Information:
Funds Verification Phone: 800-724-2240
Main Website:
Online Banking Login:


Routing Number 052100408
Bank M & T BANK
Address 2ND FLOOR
State NY
ZIP 14228
Phone 800-724-2240
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Use RoutingTool™ to verify a check from M & T BANK with one phone call. All M & T BANK routing numbers are located instantly in the database.

To verify a check from M & T BANK call: 800-724-2240. Have a copy of the check you want to verify handy, so you can type in the routing numbers on your telephone keypad.

It is easy to verify a check from M & T BANK or validate a check from M & T BANK when you know the number to call.

All U.S. Bank Routing Numbers are included in the database. Call the bank directly to verify funds, never call the number on the front of the check! Get the number directly - from RoutingTool™.
SAMPLE PERSON Address City, State ZIP Phone 65-40/521 M & T BANK 2ND FLOOR AMHERST, NY 14228 0000 12/03/2024 A052100408A 0000000000C 0000
SAMPLE COMPANY Address City, State ZIP Phone M & T BANK 2ND FLOOR AMHERST, NY 14228 65-40/521 0000 12/03/2024 C0000C A052100408A 0000000000C